Estranged: The Departure follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Little does he know his adventure has just begun, and the island is home to more than it first seems. ## About This Game Estranged: The [...]
The Estranged tells the story of a lonely fisherman, whose boat was found stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explores the detailed environments and meet the peculiar inhabitants of the island during your journey to find a way back to [...]
Estranged: Act II follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. The game continues after the events of Estranged: Act I, which followed our hero’s adventure in a search for a way to get home.
Estranged, a Half-Life 2 mod, is a the story of a lone fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explore rich environments and meet the curious inhabitants of the island as you find a way back to the mainland…