In the near future, monstrous creatures called “phantoms” descend upon the world. Haruhiko Ichijo is a student at Hosea Academy, along with Mai Kawakami, Reina Izumi, and Koito Minase, three girls who fight these creatures. High school life proceeds as [...]
Miss Kobayashi is your average office worker who lives a boring life, alone in her small apartment–until she saves the life of a female dragon in distress. The dragon, named Tohru, has the ability to magically transform into an adorable human girl (albeit [...]
Nanase Haruka loved to be in the water – loved swimming. With his friends Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, and Rin they established the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club. This is the vibrant story of swimming, youth, and relationships between the swimmers. [...]