Shrek the Third is an action-adventure video game based on the 2007 DreamWorks Animation animated film of the same name, developed by 7 Studios, Gameloft, Amaze Entertainment and Vicarious Visions.[1] The game was published by Activision on May 14, 2007, [...]
The game begins with Reed, Sue, and Johnny on a roof lying helpless after being knocked unconscious by a blast from Dr. Doom. Sue is the first to recover, so when she sits up and turns around, Dr. Doom is preparing to fire an electric blast at them. Sue [...]
Defender put players in charge of a ship sent to protect mankind from wave after wave of attacking alien forces. Armed with smart bombs and the ability to use hyperspace to move quickly around the planet, the player ship must fight against Bombers, Pods, [...]
Marvel’s first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. Transform into any member of the Fantastic Four to fight enemies from the [...]
Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Flaming Torch, and She-Hulk team up to fight waves of identical enemies in a seemingly endless brawling adventure.
Players take the role of George from the popular cartoon show, George of the Jungle, in a 3D side scrolling action-adventure. Players swing, climb, and platform their way through the jungle in search of the missing documents which could hold the key to [...]
Shrek SuperSlam pits the characters from the Shrek franchise against each other in the only game that combines the twisted humor and pop culture parodies of the Shrek universe with the fast-paced action of a melee fighting game. Signature fighting moves [...]