Hokuto No Ken ## Description Hokuto no Ken is based on the manga series Fist of the North Star. The story focuses on Kenshiro, a young martial artist proficient in the deadly technique known as Hokuto Shinken, which he uses to protect innocents against [...]
Hokuto no Ken is a video game released in Japan on July 20, 1986 by Sega for the Sega Mark III gaming platform. It is a side-scrolling action game that follows the events depicted in the first television series from Kenshiro’s battle against Shin [...]
After the death of Raoh, the Central Imperial Capital began its rule of the chaotic world under the name of the Heavenly Emperor. Now grown up, Bat and Lin has formed a resistance under the banner of Hokuto. Kenshiro returns once again after hearing the [...]
Hokuto no Ken – Violence Gekiga Adventure is a graphic adventure game that was released for Japanese home computers by Enix on May 1986, making it the very first video game based on the Hokuto no Ken franchise. It was released for the NEC PC-8801, [...]