3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended)
Direct X
Version 7.0
HDD Space
Game Analysis
The game is set in a post-apocalyptic, near-future world. Story wise, most of earth's population was destroyed by a global holocaust, and the survivors are mostly freaks, who are trying to make a living by resorting to violence/hunting, and the rich, who have formed enclaves underground to hide from the environmental holocaust conditions. The freaks' (illegal) recreation, known as powersliding, offers prizes of fresh fruit (rare because of the extreme environmental catastrophe) for the champions. The player can take control of several extremely unusual racers, not specific to each car. The object of the game, played out as any of the characters, is to play through the championships: namely; Novice, Advanced, and to finally win at the Expert level.