《在这苍穹展翅》- 中文简体版 / If My Heart Had Wings - Simplified Chinese System requirements

Can I Run 《在这苍穹展翅》- 中文简体版 / If My Heart Had Wings - Simplified Chinese? What specs do you need for 《在这苍穹展翅》- 中文简体版 / If My Heart Had Wings - Simplified Chinese? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUPentium 4 3.0GHz or higher
OSMicrosoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8
Graphics CardShader Model 2.0 or higher with a maximum texture size of 4096 or higher, DirectX 9 GPU with 8-bit α-texture support, support with limitation or support for textures that are not exponentiations of 2 RADEON X series or higher (Excluding X1200 series) GeForce 6000 series or higher Intel 965 chip set or higher (GMA X3000 and up) VRAM 256MB
HDD Space3.5 GB available space
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