Shantae: Pirate Queen's Quest System requirements

Can I Run Shantae: Pirate Queen's Quest? What specs do you need for Shantae: Pirate Queen's Quest? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU2.2 GHz Dual-Core CPU with Hyper Threading
CPU SPEED2.2 GHz Dual-Core CPU with Hyper Threading
OSWindows 7 Service Pack 1
Graphics CardNVIDIA GeForce 310 or equivalent (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 3.0) with at least 1GB of display memory
Direct XVersion 9.0
SOUND CARDDirectX Compatible
HDD Space2 GB
Game AnalysisExciting a villainous new storyline to the base game Shantae featuring the bodacious buccaneer, Risky Boots! Play the role of the villainous pirate queen as she travels Sequin Land in search of components to crush the Sequin Land once and for all! Collect Pirate Gear, solve brand new puzzles, and battle your rival, Half-Genie Shantae in a final showdown like no other! Don’t miss out on this epic new installment of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero!
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