Texas HoldEm Poker System requirements

Can I Run Texas HoldEm Poker? What specs do you need for Texas HoldEm Poker? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
OSWindows 10 version 10586.0 or higher, Xbox One
Game AnalysisTexas HoldEm Poker (also known as Zynga Poker) is a social game developed by Zynga as an application for the social-networking website Facebook as well as Android, iPhone, MySpace, Tagged and Google+. It launched in July 2007 and has over 36 million monthly active users.The game allows Facebook players to simulate playing poker in a social gaming environment. Users enter a casino lobby and can play at any table or join friends for a game. Players choose from casual Texas hold 'em tables, tournament play, or VIP tables. A leader board shows players how they compare in chip ranking to other players and allows players to send or receive gifts. As of August 2010, the game is available in Mandarin Chinese in China as well as on Facebook in Hong Kong and Taiwan under the name Zynga Texas Poker.
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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