the Legend of Kyrandia - Book Two - the Hand of Fate System requirements

Can I Run the Legend of Kyrandia - Book Two - the Hand of Fate? What specs do you need for the Legend of Kyrandia - Book Two - the Hand of Fate? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU2.4ghz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
OSWindows 7/8/8.1/XP/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
Graphics CardNvidia 260 GTS or Radeon HD 4850 – 512 MB of VRAM
Direct XVersion 9.0c
SOUND CARDDirectX compatible sound card
HDD Space5 GB available space
Game AnalysisYears later, Zanthia, a young female alchemist and wizard encountered in the first game, discovers that the kingdom of Kyrandia is in great danger, disappearing piece by piece. The Mystics hold a meeting, and The Hand (a giant glove serving as Marko's assistant) formulates a plan, which requires a magic anchor stone from the center of the world. He chooses Zanthia to be the one who shall recover the stone.The Legend of Kyrandia became known for its extremely simple interface, a feature present in all three games in the series. Though vaguely reminiscent of point-and-click adventure games of the period, the primary detail that distinguished Westwood's trilogy was the use of a single "use" action, as opposed to multi-action interfaces.
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
CPU2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
OSOS X 10.7 or later
Graphics Card128 MB of video RAM
HDD Space250 MB
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