Lilly Sasha: Curse Of The Immortals System requirements

Can I Run Lilly Sasha: Curse Of The Immortals? What specs do you need for Lilly Sasha: Curse Of The Immortals? View detailed information about this game.

 Recommended System Requirements
Graphics Card
Direct X
HDD Space
Game AnalysisCan Lilly save Sasha before Zahhak consumes her completely? Zahhak has Sasha's body and is going to use it to claim the powers of the Immortals. Lilly has vowed to stop Zahhak at whatever cost, even if she has to kill her own sister to do it.Continue your journey from Curse of the Immortals with new puzzles, new skills, runes and trinkets, new characters and 10 new pets, two of which can join you in battle at the same time
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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