Civilization IV: Warlords System requirements

Can I Run Civilization IV: Warlords? What specs do you need for Civilization IV: Warlords? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUPentium 4 or Athlon XP
OSWindows 2000/XP
Graphics Card64 MB 3D Video Card with Hardware Transform & Lighting (NVIDIA GeForce2+ /ATI Radeon 7500+)
Direct XDirectX version 9.0c (included) or higher
HDD Space1.7 GB
Game AnalysisSid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords is the first expansion pack for the award-winning game that has become an instant world-wide hit. Paying homage to some of history's greatest military leaders, the expansion will deliver eight unique and interesting scenarios, giving players the chance to change the course of history with the help of their new 'warlord' unit. Civ IV: Warlords will include new civilizations, leaders, units, and wonders that will offer even more fun and exciting ways for players to expand their civilization's military power as they strive for world domination.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
CPUPowerPC G5 or Intel
RAM(VRam): 128 MB
OSMac OS X 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6
Graphics Card(ATI): Radeon 9600 Video Card (NVidia): GeForce FX 5200
HDD Space3.5 GB free disk space
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