Mansions of Madness: Mothers Embrace System requirements

Can I Run Mansions of Madness: Mothers Embrace? What specs do you need for Mansions of Madness: Mothers Embrace? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUIntel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6GHz / AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core Black Edition
OSWin 7 64
Graphics CardnVidia GeForce GTX 460 v2 / AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB
Direct XDX 11
SOUND CARDDirectX Compatible
HDD Space10 GB
Game AnalysisMansions of Madness: Mother's Embrace is based on the punishing Lovecraftian board game, Mansions of Madness. MoM: Mother's Embrace repurposes the co-op game into a single-player adventure. Set in 1926, a team of investigators try to uncover the dark secrets of an eerie mansion. Finding weapons, tools, and information will be the only way to solve complex puzzles and fight living nightmares, insanity, and death.It will take more than just survival to conquer the evils terrorizing the town. Will the team make it out alive and solve the mystery?
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score-
 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
Graphics Card
HDD Space300 MB available space
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