Mafia III: Faster Baby System requirements

Can I Run Mafia III: Faster Baby? What specs do you need for Mafia III: Faster Baby? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUIntel Core i5-650 3.2GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 615e
OSWin Vista 32
Graphics CardnVidia GeForce GTX 650 1GB / AMD Radeon HD 6750
Direct XDX 11
SOUND CARDDirectX Compliant Sound card
HDD Space45 GB
Game AnalysisMafia 3 is going to be a beautiful, visual treat. And consequently going to need a pretty powerful modern PC to run it. We anticipate the processor recommended requirement will be around the Core i5-4430 3.0GHz or FX-8300 CPU range. The system memory requirement for top level Mafia 3 graphics is going to be at least 8GB coupled with a GTX 960 with at least 2GB VRAM or an AMD R9 280 graphics card. This should let you run Mafia III at around 1080p with 40-60FPS on high graphics setting. The first DLC for Mafia 3, Faster, Baby! is all about stunt driving and car chases as Lincoln teams up with Roxy Laveau to take down a corrupt sheriff out on the city limits of New Bordeaux.
High FPS161 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score5
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