Few locomotives can match the majesty of the GWR Class 6000 ‘King’, and now you can drive this fabulous steam locomotive on your PC. Fully optimized for Train Simulator 2012, this impressive powerhouse has real presence on the rails and is highly detailed, even including a realistic glow from the firebox inside the cab and GWR chocolate & cream livery Centenary coaches. The GWR 6000 Class was the largest production locomotive used by the Great Western Railway, and was referred to as the King Class following the naming of the first example after the then-monarch, King George V, in 1927. King George V went on to gain further fame when it visited the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in the United States in 1927 to participate in the railroad’s centenary celebrations, and was presented with a commemorative silver bell. Designed to be the most powerful British passenger locomotives of their day, the Kings could produce superb performances when driven by an experienced crew, and it was not unknown for a King to haul an 800-ton train at over 70mph. The GWR King for Train Simulator 2012 is an accurate recreation of the King as it appeared in GWR service with a single chimney and Great Western livery.
High FPS
200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score
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