Mafia System requirements

Can I Run Mafia? What specs do you need for Mafia? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUPentium III 500MHz/ Athlon XP 1600+
OSWindows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
Graphics Card16 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers
Direct XVersion 9.0
HDD Space2 GB
CD-ROM16x CD / DVD ROM drive
Game AnalysisThe player takes the role of taxi driver Thomas (Tommy) Angelo, who, while trying to make a living on the streets of Lost Heaven, unexpectedly and unwillingly becomes involved in organized crime as a driver for the Salieri crime family, led by Don Salieri.Through the events of the game's story, Tommy begins to rise through the ranks of the Salieri 'family', which is currently battling the competing Morello family, led by the sharply-dressed Don Morello. Eventually becoming disillusioned by his life of crime and violence, Tommy arranges to meet a detective (Detective Norman) in order to tell him his story, to be given witness-protection, and to aid the detective in the destruction of the Salieri crime family. The 'Intermezzo' chapters of the game depict Tommy sitting in a cafe with the detective, relating his life story and giving out important pieces of information at the same time.
High FPS113 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
NoteKeyboard, mouse
Optimization Score8.3
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