Saga System requirements

Can I Run Saga? What specs do you need for Saga? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU1.6 GHz
OSWindows XP
Graphics Card128 MB, Shader model 2.0, OpenGL 1.4
Direct X
HDD Space1 GB available space
Game AnalysisSAGA is a persistent world RTS in an epic fantasy setting. Players collect troops, build armies, conquer new lands and build up kingdoms, complete with resource collection, city building and peasant management. SAGA's features include massive armies, multiplayer questing, raiding, guild wars, espionage, and an auction house for trading troops and spells.SAGA has no subscription fees. Players pay as little or as much as they decide, by purchasing 'booster packs' of random troops and spells, which are traded and customized to create the strategic army of choice for each player. Visit to play today.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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