Drawn: Dark Flight System requirements

Can I Run Drawn: Dark Flight? What specs do you need for Drawn: Dark Flight? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU1.0 GHz
OSWindows XP/Vista/7/8
Graphics CardNVIDIA GeForce 510
Direct XVersion 9.0
SOUND CARDDirectX Compatible
HDD Space702 MB available space
Game AnalysisA young girl…destined to rule, but pursued by the shadows. A trusted friend…broken, but not defeated. A tyrant…wrapped in the darkness, ambitious and cruel. Three beacons lay cold on the corners of a kingdom. With their light comes hope, the dawn of a new day. If their fires are lit, shadows will be cast into the light. But if they stay dark…They will be a reminder. Of a future Queen and her kingdom. Forever ruled by the night.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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