Saurian System requirements

Can I Run Saurian? What specs do you need for Saurian? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUIntel Pentium 4 1.8GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1700+
OSWin Xp 32
Graphics CardnVidia GeForce 210 / AMD Radeon X600 Series
Direct XDX 9
SOUND CARDDirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
HDD Space500 MB
Game AnalysisSaurian is a video game focused on providing the most captivating prehistoric experience ever developed for commercial gaming: living like a true dinosaur in a dynamic open world through intense, survival based gameplay. Players will have the opportunity to take control of several different species of dinosaur in their natural environment. You will attempt to survive from hatchling to adult, managing physical needs, while avoiding predators and environmental hazards in a dynamic landscape reflecting cutting-edge knowledge of the Hell Creek ecosystem 66 million years ago.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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