CreaVures System requirements

Can I Run CreaVures? What specs do you need for CreaVures? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
RAM512 Mb (1 GB for Windows Vista)
OSWindows XP or later
Graphics CardDedicated Video Card w/128 Mb of Video Memory
Direct X9.0c
SOUND CARDDirectX 9.0c compliant video card
HDD Space400MB
Game AnalysisMuch has changed in recent memory. The forest's swirling light, once plentiful, is now cast so thin you can barely see through the darkness. The symphonic night has gone quiet, save a lone voice: the forest is calling. It needs your help.You know what must be done, how to save your forest mother. Will you?Go gather the others. They are waiting for you. Together you must venture deep into the forest, to bring her back from the brink.Hurry, before the light is lost!
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
RAM512 Mb
OSOS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
Graphics CardDedicated Video Card w/128 Mb of Video Memory
HDD Space400MB
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