Outracer System requirements

Can I Run Outracer? What specs do you need for Outracer? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System Requirements
CPU1 GHz or faster processor
CPU SPEED1 GHz or faster processor
OSWindows 7 or higher
Graphics CardIntel HD 4000
Direct XVersion 9.0c
HDD Space1 GB
Game AnalysisEnter fast-paced, anti-gravity racing in this futuristic thriller. Take on the role of one the many pilots racing for fame and fortune across massive race tracks suspended through the air. Pilot your anti-gravity racer through massive race tracks at the speed of sound! as you compete against aggressive opponent determined to stop you. Drive with precision while boosting with reckless abandon for if enemy racers don’t defeat you, the unpredictable turns of the courses will certainly try! Show off your racing skills in Outracer!
 Minimum System Requirements
CPU1 GHz or faster processor
Graphics CardIntel HD 4000
HDD Space1 GB available space
 Minimum System Requirements
CPU1 GHz or faster processor
OSUbuntu or equivalent
Graphics CardIntel HD 4000
HDD Space1 GB available space
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