NVIDIA Geforce 8800 or higher, ATI Radeon HD 4770 or higher
AMD Radeon HD 7970
Direct X
DX 10
HDD Space
20 GB
20 GB
Game Analysis
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn takes place in the fictional land of Eorzea, five years after the events of the original release. At the conclusion of Final Fantasy XIV, the primal dragon Bahamut escapes from its prison inside an artificial moon to initiate the Seventh Umbral Era, an apocalyptic event which destroys much of Eorzea. Through the gods' blessing, the player character escapes the devastation by time traveling five years into the future. As Eorzea recovers and rebuilds, the player must deal with the impending threat of invasion by the Garlean Empire from the north.
High FPS
0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score
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