Call of Duty System requirements

Can I Run Call of Duty? What specs do you need for Call of Duty? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System Requirements
CPUPentium III 600 MHz or Athlon 600 MHz processor or higher for systems with Windows 98/ME, Pentium III 700 MHz or Athlon 700 MHz processor or higher for systems with Windows 2000 / XP
OSWindows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
Graphics Card3D hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible 32 MB hardware T&L-capable video card and latest drivers*
Direct XVersion 9.0b (included)
SOUND CARD100% DirectX 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
HDD Space1.4 GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400 MB for Windows 98/ME swap file, 600 MB for Windows 2000 / XP swap file)
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