Puzzle Bots System requirements

Can I Run Puzzle Bots? What specs do you need for Puzzle Bots? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUPentium or higher
OSWindows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista with DirectX 5 or above
Graphics CardSupports all DirectX-compatible video cards
Direct X5 or above
SOUND CARDSupports all DirectX-compatible sound card
HDD Space900 Mb
Game AnalysisThere’s a big secret at Dr. Hugo’s Factory for Making Robots. When the inventors aren’t looking, their tiny robots go on big adventures. They never expected to stumble onto a plot so diabolical it threatened their very existence. With lasers.It all starts when Zander - possibly the world’s most absent-minded inventor - trips over a metal box buried outside the factory. When no-one can figure out how to open it, the robots sneak out and try it for themselves. What they discover is the first step to a grand adventure, leading to a mystery as old as the factory itself.Join the robots as they outwit mischievous children, curious animals, and dysfunctional inventors in their quest to find the truth. Will the robots solve the mystery before it’s too late?
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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