Omerta: City of Gangsters System requirements

Can I Run Omerta: City of Gangsters? What specs do you need for Omerta: City of Gangsters? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU2 GHz Dual Core
CPU SPEED2 GHz Dual Core
OSWindows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7
Graphics CardGeforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM
Direct X9.0c
SOUND CARDDirectX compatible
HDD Space5 GB HD space
Game AnalysisKalypso report that it’s “a strategy game focusing on the activities of organized crime in Atlantic City in the 1920s”, and it’s looking like an improved version of the engine they used for the recent Tropico games. The boss manages his criminal resources and has a familiar real-time strategic overview of what’s going on in his city. However, we can expect it to be quite different when it comes to gunplay. Kalypso explain a bit more: “The turn-based combat in Omerta – City of Gangsters focuses on the tactical command of “The Boss” and his henchmen. Cover and stealth are essential parts of any shootout in the game.”
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
CPU2 Ghz
OSOS X 10.7.0 or later
Graphics CardIntel HD 3000 or higher, NVIDIA 8x00 and AMD 2x00 or higher
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