Rhem 3: The Secret Library System requirements

Can I Run Rhem 3: The Secret Library? What specs do you need for Rhem 3: The Secret Library? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUIntel Pentium III
OSWindows 2000
Graphics Card16 MB Video Card
Direct X
HDD Space700 MB
Game AnalysisThe player again arrives into the city of RHEM, with a note from Zetais who studied the artifact in RHEM 2: The Cave. Kales uses the note given by the player to unlock a gate leading to the inner area of RHEM. The game's overall plot is not fully revealed until the player comes back to this area after solving a large number of puzzles.As stated in the game's title, in order to solve most of the major puzzles, the player must first find and enter a "hidden library", a jumble of rooms containing roll doors and books on shelves. The books themselves contain hints to solve the other puzzles.The player's goal is to find 10 green crystals scattered throughout RHEM, much like the other two games, in order to unlock the passage to a black crystal.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Notemouse, keyboard
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
CPUPowerPC 7xx / PowerPC G3
OSMac OS X 10.2.8
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