Windows 2000/XP with latest service pack installed
Windows 2000/XP with latest service pack installed
Graphics Card
64 MB video card (NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti+ / ATI Radeon 9000+) with Monitor that can display 4:3 aspect ratio [not analyzed here]
nVidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra / AMD Radeon 9600 Series
Direct X
DX 9
HDD Space
5.0 GB with additional space for swap file and game saves
5.5 GB
4X speed CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (DVD-ROM for Director's Cut)
4X speed CD-ROM or DVD-ROM (DVD-ROM for Director's Cut)
Game Analysis
The game's story revolves around a supernatural phenomenon, which F.E.A.R. a fictional special forces team is called to contain. The player assumes the role of F.E.A.R.'s Point Man, who possesses superhuman reflexes and combats an army of cloned soldiers, and at the same time uncovers the secrets of a paranormal menace in the form of a little girl.