Created by Arrowhead Game Studios, the same brilliant and eccentric minds behind Magicka, The Showdown Effect is a 2.5D multiplayer action game in which players will be participating in death-matches to gain glory and fame. Formerly known as “Project JFK,” The Showdown Effect operates on the principle of “more is more” and offers an infinite amount of ways to customize your gameplay. Whether its character, stage, game mode, or weapons, customize as much as you want and control how creatively you want to kill your friends! Remember, the gorier it is, the better the showdown you will have!
High FPS
200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Mac System Requirement:
OS:Mac OSX 10.7 or later
Processor:2.4 GHz Dual Core
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:OSX 10.7 or later
Processor:2.4 GHz Dual Core
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:1 GB NVIDIA 460 / AMD Radeon 5870
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Optimization Score
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