Sky Rogue System requirements

Can I Run Sky Rogue? What specs do you need for Sky Rogue? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUDual core or better
CPU SPEEDDual core or better
OSWindows XP SP2
Graphics CardIntegrated graphics card (Intel), generally anything from 2004 or later
Direct XVersion 9.0c
SOUND CARDDirectX Compatible
HDD Space200 MB
Game AnalysisExperience a fwooshy rogue-lite action flight simulator! Take on the role of a fully-armed aircraft as you fly across land, sea, and air, on an infinite number of procedurally-generated islands. Go toe-to-toe with enemy aces or assault giant flying aircraft carriers and blow up your foes while avoiding the enemy's volleys of missiles. Live out your flying fantasies in this epic fight simulator adventure.
 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
OSOS X 10.8 or above
 Minimum System Requirements
OSUbuntu 12.04 or above, or similar version of any other distro
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