Treasure Isle (Later retitled Treasure Isle: The Adventure Game) is a browser-based video game by Zynga for Facebook, launched in April 2010. It allows users to dig for treasure on various islands. Treasure Isle has many similarities to Zynga's most popular game, FarmVille.Before beginning the search for treasure, the player first creates a customizable avatar. This avatar is much like that of FarmVille’s avatar series. There are many islands to travel to for treasure. You can also customize your own island, such as add furniture like chairs, huts, plants and even expand the size of the island, similar to the farm space on FarmVille.
High FPS
0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score
Minimum System Requirements
Core i5 (2-core) or better
OS X 10.1 or newer
Graphics Card
Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better
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