Pokémon Battle Revolution System requirements

Can I Run Pokémon Battle Revolution? What specs do you need for Pokémon Battle Revolution? View detailed information about this game.

Game AnalysisFeatures-Grab a Rental Pass, customize your Trainer, and battle your way to the rank of Pokétopia Master.Compete against friends across the country using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!Transfer the Pokémon you've raised in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl and watch them battle on the big screen!Battle against up to three other friends with Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl while using your Nintendo DS as a controller.Pokémon Battle Revolution features three main modes of play: Colosseum Battle Mode, DS Battle Mode, and Wi-Fi Battle Mode. In Colosseum Battle Mode, your goal is to battle your way through a series of Colosseums, each with its own set of rules and challenges.Pokémon Battle Revolution takes place on an island called Pokétopia, where your goal is to battle your way through challenging Colosseums to become the Pokétopia Master.
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