The game engine for Planet Alpha is Unreal Engine. Planet Alpha will require Radeon R9 380X graphics card with a Core i5-4570 3.2GHz or FX-9590 processor to reach the recommended specs, achieving high graphics setting on 1080p. The RAM requirements are at least a 8 GB memory. To meet min requirements your hardware requires at least a Radeon HD 7850 or GeForce GTX 660, which you will likely need to run on low graphics setting in game. You may need to adjust your screen resolution down from 1080p to reach a stable 30FPS. Also try adjusting other in-game graphic settings to further improve your minimum performance. Don't try and play Planet Alpha without 4 GB, which helps get the 30FPS Your GPU is expected to be able to deliver DirectX 11. Finally, Planet Alpha will need hardware that is a 4 year old PC or younger to run recommended.
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