nVidia GeForce 6200 LE / AMD Radeon Xpress 1200 Series
nVidia GeForce GT 120 / AMD Radeon HD 4550
Direct X
DX 9
DX 9
HDD Space
5 GB
5 GB
Game Analysis
Age of Empires Online is the next evolution in the best-selling real-time strategy (RTS) franchise Age of Empires. Developed by Robot Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios for the Games for Windows – LIVE platform, Age of Empires Online invites players to create a living, growing online world, shared with friends and friendly rivals around the world. Marrying fresh features with classic RTS gameplay, Age of Empires Online pays tribute to the original game while incorporating a new look, feel, and approach that appeals to long-time fans, newcomers, and everyone in between.
High FPS
200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score
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