Chronicles Of The Sword System requirements

Can I Run Chronicles Of The Sword? What specs do you need for Chronicles Of The Sword? View detailed information about this game.

Game AnalysisChronicles of the Sword is a sword and sorcery adventure game created by Synthetic Dimensions and produced and released by Psygnosis in 1996 for the PC DOS and Sony PlayStation platforms. The game's plot is loosely based on Arthurian legends; this was the second game from Psygnosis that was based on this theme, the first being The Legend of Galahad. The story is set in King Arthur's mythical court of Camelot, located in Albion, Sub-Roman Britain, circa 420 A.D. The player takes on the role of Sir Gawain, a young knight of Arthur struggling to uphold virtues of the kingdom. Gawain's quest is to stop Morgan le Fay, the Arthur's beautiful half-sister who is secretly an evil sorceress, before she can wreak destruction on Camelot. Morgana plots to reveal Lancelot and Lady Guinevere's affair to the world, thus overthrowing Arthur and seizing power.
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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