Crusader Kings System requirements

Can I Run Crusader Kings? What specs do you need for Crusader Kings? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUIntel® Pentium® IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+
OSXP/Vista/Windows 7
Graphics CardNVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900, 512mb graphics memory required.
Direct X9.0c
SOUND CARDDirect X-compatible sound card
HDD Space2 GB
Game AnalysisEurope is in turmoil. The Viking raids have ended but the lands have been fragmented into petty fiefs. The Emperor is struggling with the Pope and rumor has it that another Scourge of God is rolling in over the Steppes of what would become Russia. Meanwhile the Pope has declared that those who go to the Holy Land to liberate it will be freed of all sins… Play as the leader of a glorious dynasty, amass prestige and piety and the world will whisper your name. Increase the greatness of your lands and your treasure coffins. Build Cathedrals and Castles. Appoint vassals and battle traitors. Introduce laws and set taxes, interact with hundreds of courtiers and nobles. Can you organize defense at home, while mustering a great army? Will you concert other monarchs, including the Pope, under you leadership to liberate the Holy Land? Do you have what it takes to become a Crusader King?
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
 Minimum System Requirements
CPUIntel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
OSMac OS X 10.6.8 or later
Graphics CardATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / NVIDIA GeForce9600 or higher
HDD Space2 GB
 Minimum System Requirements
CPUIntelR PentiumR IV 2.4 GHz or AMD 3500+
OSUbuntu 12.04 LTS
Graphics CardATI Radeon HD 6750 / NVIDIA GeForce 320 / NVIDIA GeForce> 9600 or higher, 1024MB graphics memory required.
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