The game is set in the near future and follows a team of four misfit agents collectively known as Overstrike 9, who infiltrate enemy strongholds using fringe-tech gadgets and lethal teamwork. The members of Overstrike 9 are Dalton Brooks (voiced by Brian Bloom), a reformed and sarcastic mercenary, equipped with an energy shield, Naya Deveraux (voiced by Jennifer Hale), a mischievous, lifelong thief, equipped with a cloak device, Isabelle "Izzy" Sinclair (voiced byAli Hillis), a gifted, but rebellious young scientist, equipped with a mass bubble gun, and Jacob Kimble(voiced by Khary Payton), a decorated detective with a bit of a temper, equipped with an electric crossbow. The plot follows these agents as they attempt to stop a shadowy organization, which threatens to wipe out humankind. Due to each agent’s unique talents and a tendency to completely ignore protocol, Overstrike 9 is the only option left.