Angel Love Online is a free-to-play PC and PlayStation 3 2D massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by UserJoy Technology in Taiwan, and published by Q Entertainment.Long, long ago, the archangel Lucifer fell in love with a girl. Unfortunately, she was already in love with another angel. Lucifer lost his mind and in order to separate the two lovers forever, transmuted her into dew and him into starlight. Knowing he would be punished sooner or later, he gathered a rebellious army and attempted to overthrow the reign of Jupiter. However, he and his followers failed, and were expelled to Hell.Ever since then, he has been planning his revenge. He is now expanding his evil forces, and has founded a demon training camp with the sole purpose of destroying the Garden of Eden. So, all of the Little Angels there have undertaken special training, and have descended to Earth so that the battle can commence in Eden.
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