Battle Raper II System requirements

Can I Run Battle Raper II? What specs do you need for Battle Raper II? View detailed information about this game.

Game AnalysisIn Battle Raper II, players are able to knock female opponents' clothing off. In combat every character has unlimited guard, a move that can not be blocked, and a super move.As opposed to the first Battle Raper, the sequel actually does not feature rape. Once a fight against a female character is won, the game enters a special mode where the unconscious woman lies on the ground in front of the player who now has to heal her wounds. The Replay mode allows the player to have (consensual) sex with any female characters that finished the storyline with.The game also features a variety of alternative clothing items and weapons for all the characters that can be used to edit their models.
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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