Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine System requirements

Can I Run Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine? What specs do you need for Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU1.4 GHz
OSWindows XP or newer
Graphics Card3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c and 256 MB VRAM
Direct XVersion 9.0c
SOUND CARD16-bit sound card
HDD Space2 GB available space
Game AnalysisIndiana Jones and the Infernal Machine is a multi-platform action-adventure video game by LucasArts released in late 1999. The first 3D installment in the series, its gameplay focuses on solving puzzles, fighting enemies, and various platforming sections. The story told is set after World War II and puts the eponymous protagonist, the adventurer Indiana Jones, against the Soviet Union. In a race for a mythological Babylonian power source, he joins forces with the Central Intelligence Agency and collects four pieces of the Infernal Machine, a biblical device that allegedly opens a portal to another dimension.
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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