Netflix continues to roll out new streaming content for subscribers to dive into. This month has a wide variety of new releases from superheroes, to comedy, and more. Here’s the best new stuff you can watch being added during September 2018, including a number of things that are live and ready to watch this this week and beyond.
The best way to kick off the month is to start with Marvel’s Black Panther. The Wakandan treasure hits the service on September 4, and you can relive all your favorite moments, including every time Shuri zinged her brother with one-liners.
Additionally, American Horror Story: Cult has come to Netflix. Starting on September 18, you can binge through the entire season in one sitting, if you like, and relive all the weird, creepy moments, like people in clown masks and Sarah Paulson’s character freaking out over everything.
On September 7, Iron Fist returns to Netflix for Season 2. Sure, Season 1 is terrible, but this newest addition to the Marvel/Netflix Universe actually shows a ton of potential. From the looks of the trailer, the fight scenes look pretty fantastic, and it is giving a lot of Marvel fans hope that the series can be saved. At least there’s no more fighting with The Hand.
Finally, if you want to collapse into the warm embrace of ’80s John Hughes films, then you may want to grab an oversized bucket of popcorn and watch 1985’s The Breakfast Club. A group of high school kids from different cliques end up serving Saturday detention together. They all learn that maybe they’re not so different after all. Also, if you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
There are a lot more great movies and TV shows to check out, which we detail in the video above. For a look at everything that’s coming, check out the full list of what’s coming to Netflix in September 2018.
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