In Marvel’s Spider-Man you have a lot of ways to develop your main character. On the following page you will find detailed information about the development of Peter’s skills.
Character development and level ups
Let’s start with Peter’s development and what are the possibilities after he gains required amount of experience points to level up. With each promotion to a higher level, Spider-Man will earn skill points that you can use to buy new moves. Additionally, each time you level up – you receive a passive bonus to improve your character’s movement speed, maximum health or concentration bar capacity. As you can guess, higher level equals stronger character.
Creating suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man
Marvel’s Spider-Man creates a real treat for the fans of the Marvel universe and Peter Parker’s adventures. As the game progresses, you will be able to create iconic suits, which debuted in the comics series. In addition to the visual qualities, some suits offer unique powers that e.g. add electrical attacks, or significantly increase the strength of your blows.
Modifications are also a great reinforcement of the character – in each costume you can modify up to three improvements. For example, these may increase regeneration rate, increase your rate of experience gained, and many other options.
Skills in Marvel’s Spider-Man
Designers of the game made three skill trees of character development available to the players: Innovator, Defender, Webslinger – you can purchase and improve 34 skills in total. Some abilities unlock new blows or better dodge options, while others allow you to more easily overpower enemies. To purchase all the skills in the game, you need to unlock level 50.
New Gadgets in Marvel’s Spider-Man
Gadgets play a big role in combat. They’re cleverly constructed by Peter. Some inventions stun enemies, others lift them into the air, or simply throw them away powerfully. All in all, you can use eight different inventions in the game: web shooters, impact webs, spider-drones, electric webs, web bombs, trip mines, concessive blasts, and suspension matrix. You will unlock the new gadgets as the plot progresses, but some of them will be optional for you to create.
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