The chapter starts with Marcus arriving at a train station. You’ll need to find the graffiti markings that match up to the clues on your hand. You’ll find the first mark to your left when you start. Scan the wall and the marking to get the next clue. You can also find a magazine on the right bench across from the first mark.
Continue down the path and down the escalator. Head outside to the wall art across from you and scan the wall for another marking.
The clue will get updated and you’ll have to cross two streets to get over to where the next marking is located. You’ll see the area you need to reach nearby, just follow the paths across the street and scan the wall for markings when you’re close enough.
The clue will get updated and you’ll have to continue down the street towards a gate with a wall behind it featuring robots. You need to get under the gate to get a clear scan of all the symbols on the wall. Hit the prompt to go under the gate and grab the symbols to update your clue.
Go into the parking lot nearby and scan the first two symbols you see on the large wall with the big graffiti. To get the last mark, you’ll need to move the nearby trash can close the wall so you can climb it. When up high enough, scan the last symbol to update your clue once more.
You’ll then need to get across a large gap to continue. Go up to the gap and scan it to construct your path across. Scan each of the right positions that will help you make the jump across, and then finally execute it to make the jump.
Move along further and jump down the wall to reach a new area. Look at the large wall and scan it to find more symbols. Your clue will update and you’ll have to construct a new path again to reach the higher area.
Choose to scan the left path and go upwards to make a solid plan upwards. When you have the full path scanned, execute it and you’ll enter the high entrance of a building.
Move inside and go to the large wall to scan another symbol. Once the clue is updated, go through the large hole in the wall, moving the debris out of your way as you do, and walk outside to see the Jericho ship.
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