We expected to see more of The Last of Us Part II at E3 2018, and we weren’t disappointed. Sony had a new gameplay trailer to show at its press conference, and it was both tender and terrifying. The trailer opened with Ellie talking to a man while watching a party going on around them. Eventually another female character appears, and leads Ellie to the dance floor, where they share a tender kiss.
During their discussion, Ellie says she’s, “Just a girl, not a threat.” Her partner, however, replies that she thinks everyone should be terrified of Ellie. Their kiss transitions seamlessly into a shot of Ellie slitting a man’s throat, mumbling “f****r” as she releases his limp, lifeless body. From there we get an extended gameplay demo, with Ellie creeping around the city, as dilapidated as in the first game, but also reclaimed by nature.

After a scuffle with a couple of enemies, Ellie takes refuge in some grass, then creeping underneath a car to hide from her pursuers. A detection meter appears as they look for her, and the hiding spot is discovered, and once again chaos ensues, with Ellie once again in a brutal fight for her life. She moves from area to area, grabbing a bottle and lobbing it at an enemy before running into a shop and hiding behid a counter.
Three enemies follow her in, one wielding a giant axe. They scour the room for her, but Ellie crafts an explosive arrow while slipping around them. With it made, she fires it at an enemy, setting off a huge explosion. Ellie shows herself to be more capable than ever, slipping between shelves to get around her enemies, getting the jump on them, and eventually bringing one of the bigger enemies to his knees. She’s also ruthless, and sinks her axe into the now subdued enemy.
The Last of Us Part II shocked the internet with a trailer in 2017 that depicted a violent scene during an apocalypse where humanity was struggling to survive. It was a dark and unsettling trailer to watch, and this E3 2018 gameplay trailer seems to suggest that this violent tone will be an integral part of the game.
To stay fully updated on everything coming out at E3, be sure to stay tuned to our E3 2018 hub.
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