Turtle Rock is in the lake of southeast Lorule. Go there to find one of the missing Seven Sages.
Required Items
The items that are needed for this dungeon are the Ice Rod.
Reach the Lake of Lorule
To reach this dungeon, go to the area east of Lake Hylia and go north, and use the warp fissure there to go to Lorule. Then in Lorule, go to the lake to the west.
Find the Turtles
There is a stone turtle near the area where you come out of the river. Walk onto the turtle and she will ask you to find her missing turtles.
One of them is on the wall north of the lake. Go to the area northwest of the lake and merge with the wall and go east. Pop out behind the turtle.
One is in some shallow water in the west side of the lake. Stand on the shallow water and kill the Ku that are spitting fireballs. When they are all gone, the turtle will go back to its mother.
One is on the southwest shore of the lake. Pick it up to toss it back into the water.
After all three babies are back with their mother, she’ll start swimming around the lake. Swim over to her and stand at the top of the stack of turtles. Wait for her to swim to the palace in the middle of the lake. Walk onto it.
To enter the dungeon, use the ice rod on the pillar of lava to turn it to stone temporarily. Merge with it and go around to the north side, then pop out and go into the dungeon.
Turtle Rock 1F
Use the ice rod to create platforms in the lava. Walk across and go through the north door.
In this big central room, you can kill the monsters with the ice rod. If you kill all of the monsters in the big central room, a chest appears in the northwest part of the room. It contains a silver rupee.
Stand on left side of the seesaw and use the ice rod on the crack in the middle to freeze the position of the seesaw. Go to the right.
Walk along the raised platform. Go to the center of the room, using the ice rod to freeze the pillar of lava in the way and walk across it. Once you reach the center area, use the ice rod to activate the four crystal switches up above. Open the chest to get the compass.
Go west from there, using the ice rod on the lava pillars to go across. Go north onto the seesaw and freeze the crack with the ice rod, then go up and get the red rupee. Walk east to step on the switch. This opens the upper north door.
Now go along the platform on the right. Go to the right side of the room and merge with the wall. Go north onto a ledge to get a key.
Go west from there and go through the door that you opened to the north. Open the chest to get a purple rupee.
Now go back to the big central room and go to the raised platform to the east. Merge with the wall and go south to reach the upper door in the southeast corner. You can kill the enemies in this room to make a chest appear on the left ledge. Step on the warp tile at the end of the path. If you need to heal up, then from where you end up, use the nearby warp tile. You will end up in a room in the northeast corner of 1F. Go through the door to go outside. There are fairies floating around this area. Go back inside and use the warp tile in the corner. Drop down one level and use the warp tile there. Then use the northwest exit.
Back in the big central room of 1F, go to the upper level and merge with the wall as before. This time, go to the southwest corner of the room. Pick up the potion ingredients on the ledge if you wish, then drop down to the ledge below that has a switch on it. Step on the switch to open the southwest door. Go through.
Get on the seesaw and make it point up to the ledge in the upper part of the room. Freeze the crack of the seesaw with the ice rod and go up to the ledge. Step on the warp tile. From where you end up, step on the next warp tile. In the next room, use the ice rod to reach the exit in the south wall. Be sure to wait for the energy gauge to charge back up before each time you use the ice rod. Otherwise you will run out of energy. Take the piece of heart outside.
When you are back in the southwest room of 1F, drop to the southeast ledge and walk south along it to reach a warp tile. Step on it and get the key in the area where you end up.
Now go back to the big central room of 1F. Go through the north door. When you go to the north, a wizzrobe appears. Kill it and two more appear. You have to kill them with the ice rod. Afterward, go through the north door.
Turtle Rock B1
Go south through the door. Kill the wizzrobes in this area to make walkways appear. If you kill all four wizzrobes, a big chest appears between the walkways.
Go through the northwest door. Go to the middle of the northwest room to make the fire statues come to life. Use the ice rod to freeze them. You can hit them with the sword when they’re frozen, but you’ll get hurt if you hit them while they are on fire. Freeze and hit them until they die. A green portal appears in the room. Use it to go outside and save. Then from the green portal room in B1, go southwest to the main room of B1.
Now go to the northeast room. Kill the Gibo by hitting the small slimy thing while it’s outside of the big slimy thing. Then freeze the pillar of lava with the ice rod. Merge with the frozen lava and go around to the side with the Beamos. Don’t pop out directly in front of the Beamos. Carefully run behind the Beamos and get the key, then quickly merge with the frozen column again and leave the room.
In the central room, use the seesaw on the left side to go to a walkway with a spinning fire bar (Guruguru Bar) on it. Freeze the lava pillars to the left and merge with the wall to go north. Stop at the ledge to let your energy bar fill up, then merge with the north wall and go east. Drop down onto the ledge above the north door and go into the door there. The chest contains a purple rupee. Go back out and throw a bomb at the left side of the raised walkway. This activates a crystal switch that raises the platform. Go through the locked door and get the Big Key from the big chest. Go back out. While up here, merge with the east wall and pop out behind the thing on the wall. This adds a walkway to the south. Walk along that walkway to reach the big chest down below (you have to kill all of the wizzrobes in this room to make it appear). Open it to get the Hylian Shield.
Now hit the crystal switch in the top of the room to make the platform go back down. Merge with the walls as before to get onto that ledge in the north wall, then merge east of the door and to the northeast corner of the room. Merge with the wall and pop out behind the walkway to make it fall. Now go to the southwest corner of the room and unlock the door.
Go to the west side of the room, avoiding the fireball-spitting Medusas. Break the skulls in the west side of the room and step on the switch to make a walkway appear in the previous room. Go back to the big room. Go across the walkway that just appeared. Hit the crystal switch and go onto the walkway that came up. Kill the wizzrobe on the left with the ice rod. Then kill the other one by freezing the lava pillar, merging with it and going to the walkway on the right. When both wizzrobes are gone, a chest appears in the northeast corner of the room. It contains a silver rupee.
Go to the southeast part of the room and unlock the door there. Avoid the blade traps and use the ice rod on the lava to reach the northeast corner of the room. Break the skulls and step on the switch.
Go back to the last room and step on the walkway that just came up. Go to the middle of it, then walk south to enter another room. Use the ice rod to reach the south part of the room. Use the ice rod on the crystal switch to activate it. The platforms on the sides will start rising and falling. Get onto one. When it goes to the top, merge with the wall and go north to the big door. Go through.
Go north past the spikes and past the raised platform. Break the skull in the top middle and step on the switch. Kill the wizzrobes using the ice rod, then fall into the hole that appears.
Use the ice rod on the fiery spot on the back of Grinexx to freeze it. Do this until Grinexx comes up to your level. When it is at your level, hit its head with your sword. It may shoot its head out toward you. Try freezing the lava columns and making Grinexx shoot its head out at the column. This stuns it for a moment. Hit it repeatedly with your sword when this happens. Sometimes Grinexx spins around the area. Hide in a corner when it does this. Sometimes it hides in its shell and charges up an explosion. Raise your shield to block the blast.
Afterward, pick up the heart container, then go north and touch the painting of Impa when you are standing beneath it.